Just give me a minute. How about I give you 10? If you think taking breaks will hinder productivity, then think again. The most productive workers tend to work 52 minutes before they take a short break, which is generally about 10 minutes. These well-deserved pauses help these high achievers refuel their brains and help them become refreshed and ready to tackle more challenges. So why should you take 10 minutes, and what is the best way to spend your time during the break?
Benefits of Taking a 10 Minute Break
Taking ten will allow you to refresh your mind, reload your mental resources, and boost your creativity levels. Regular, well-timed breaks can keep you sane throughout the busy day.
- Increase productivity. Regular breaks can make you more productive because your brain gets to relax after continuous pressure. The rejuvenation will also help you perform your work more accurately.
- Stress reduction. Your brain can only take so much before stress settles in. It is essential that you walk away from the source of your stress and rest your mind.
- A reduction in physical ailments. Studies show that a sedentary lifestyle can lead to heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Make a habit of getting up and moving periodically throughout your day.
Creative Ways to Take Your 10 Minute Break
Your brain requires downtime for creativity and for generating innovative ideas. While skipping breaks leads to stress and exhaustion, taking breaks will improve your creativity.
- Daydreaming. It may sound odd, but daydreaming makes you more productive. You are most creative when you are not focused on anything. A 10-minute daydreaming session can help you solve problems and formulate ideas and plans.
- Learn something. A great way to spend your 10 minutes is learning something new. Read a magazine article about something foreign to you. Sign up for that class you have wanted to take. Learn a new language on your device.
- Try a new route. Walking can help you think better, get more done, and relate better. Try a new path for your walk to change the input of your brain. This change-up will help you formulate new creative ideas.
- Work with your hands. Doing an activity with your hands will get you away from your devices and help you stretch your brain. So, get going with that knitting, gardening, cooking, drawing, hair braiding, painting, and cleaning.
- Do something good for someone else. Doing good deeds makes us all feel good. These good feelings will help you lower stress and boost immunity.
When you work hard and feel like you need a minute, be sure to take it. The benefits are many, and you might be surprised about the creative ideas that come flowing out of your brain when it has a chance to rest. If a new job will recharge your spirit, check out the career opportunities currently available at Power Personnel. The professionals at Power Personnel can match you up with an opportunity that fits your lifestyle and helps you achieve your goals.