A Nursing Blog to Inspire Your Creative Side

A nursing blog to inspire your creative side | Power Personnel

Here is a great blog we want to share. “Where Science, Humanity and Art Converge” is a blog that looks at the state of nursing today. Julianna Paradisi is an RN and multidisciplinary artist who enjoys painting and writing. She is nationally published, and her artwork hangs in galleries throughout the Pacific Northwest. She has 33 years of nursing experience specializing in pediatric intensive care and oncology infusion.

Where Science, Humanity and Art Converge

To create compelling images, Julianna finds inspiration where science, humanity and art converge. She is intrigued by the junction of art and nursing, and her work is beautiful and thought-provoking. Julianna blogs about health care and art and occasionally about the intersection of the two.

The Adventures of Nurse Niki

Julianna shares her thoughts about nursing during a pandemic in this timely post. The author comments on the difficulty of working as a new nurse during the pandemic. She has difficulty imagining what it must be like for a newly graduated nurse pushed to the limit and not having an experienced colleague available to guide them because they too are forced beyond their limit. Julianna doubts that anyone would sign up for nursing school considering these conditions.

No textbooks teach about coping during a pandemic. Julianna advises new nurses to use what they see and hear to make better judgments. Learn from your successes and failures because you are doing the best you can and that is enough.

Selecting Between a Career in Art or Nursing

In this piece, Julianna discusses the values that formed her career decisions that nursing met. She decided on nursing and went to art school in the evenings. The values include:

  • Financial security
  • A family
  • Own home
  • Financial independence

Julianna states that unless you love nursing, it will take more than it will give, and she never encourages anyone to stay in a career field they find intolerable. However, she realizes that there are people alive today thanks to her nursing care. She doubts that hanging her artwork in a museum would ever provide the same sense of humble satisfaction.

For people struggling to choose between a career in nursing or the arts, she suggests defining your life goals in addition to a career. She also adds that knowing what questions to ask is more important than having all the answers.

Isolation and Birding

In this post, Julianna takes up birding during COVID 19 home isolation. Now, instead of seeing many birds flying around, she can identify finches from sparrows, warblers, kinglets and titmice. She can even identify birds by their songs or calls. Julianna recommends birding as a family-friendly activity that can spread joy during the pandemic.

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